Our motivation to search for, roast, and sell coffees:

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The resilient human beings

from co-ops and mountainside communities on four continents. Connections of economic empowerment to small-farm growers assist good people to continue to pull themselves out of the social and cultural traumas of the colonial era. These growers are our brothers and sisters. 

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The energetic transformations

from rock-hard green coffee seeds to aromatic and flavorful beans. We purchase the green coffees through a few small importers who have real relationships with the farmers. We roast in a little red 20lb-capacity machine with manual controls and an iPad to chart the roasting parameters. 

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The small rituals of brewing

from the fineness of the grounds to the water temperature to the method of dripping or pressing. If you are looking for a restorative few moments in the middle of your day, make a fresh cup of coffee. Inhale the fragrances, try a sip. There is always a bigger picture waiting to reassure you.  

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Quiet revolutions that happen

when good coffee encourages individual and collective forms of vibrant
• thought
• conversation
• spirit
• volition
• action.

An active search for the distinctive expression of each coffee’s flavors & aromas.

Some of our current coffees:

SearchParty Coffee will send you one free, high-quality, pigment-died, dark gray baseball hat with your first order when you sign up for a monthly subscription for freshly roasted coffees. The one-size-fits-all hat has our embroidered name and radiant cup logo on the front.

Get one or two bags of recently roasted whole-bean coffee delivered to you each month—at a discount price. SearchParty will choose the green (raw) coffees from the small-scale local farmers who depend on fair trade sales. Then we will roast and ship—so you can explore and enjoy coffees from the world’s four major coffee-growing regions on four continents.

Get one free SearchParty Coffee baseball hat — when you sign up for monthly coffee.